Terms of Use

Last modified on March 14, 2024

1. About this website

According to articles 6-III et 19 of the French Law n° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 (L.C.E.N. law), please find below the following information about this website : www.eccity-motocycles.com.

Legal information:

Status of the owner : société

Prefix : SAS


Address : ZI de l’Argile 4, Lot 760, 460 avenue de la Quiera 06370 Mouans Sartoux

Phone: 0422130189

Equity: 1000 €

SIRET :  98418800300011   R.C.S. : Grasse B 984 188 003

Intra-european VAT: FR33984188003

Contact email : commercial@eccity-motocycles.com 

Designed by Alexandre Borie for STARTLEAD

Publication director: Christophe Cornillon

Contact the publication director: marketing@eccity-motocycles.com

The publication director is a natural person

The webmaster is : Webmaster eccity

Contact the Webmaster : webmaster@eccity-motocycles.com

This website is hosted by: OVH - 2 rue Kellermann, 59100, Roubaix

2. Description of the service provided:

The purpose of this website www.eccity-motocycles.com is to provide you with information about the company eccity motocycles.

The owner tries to provide the most accurate information possible on this website www.eccity-motocycles.com. Though, it will not be liable for any ommision, inaccuracy, lack of update of made by it or any third parties.

The information on www.eccity-motocycles.com is provided for information purpose, are not exhaustive and can be subject to change. Modifications can have occured since the information has been uploaded online.

3. Intellectual property and counterfeit:

The over of this website holds the rights to use all the elements accessible on this website, more especially the texts, images, illustrations, logos, icons, sounds, software...

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Any unauthoriezd exploitation of the website or of any of its elements will be considered a counterfeit and will be sued according to the dispositions of articles L.335-2 and further of the French Code de Propriété Intellectuelle.

4. Hypertext links and cookies :

The website www.eccity-motocycles.com contains links to third party websites (partners, information...) put in place with the agreeement of the website owner. Though, the website owner cannot verify the content of these websites and rejects all reponsibility about the risks of illicit content they might contain.

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Drapeau français

100% electric scooters with zero emission, designed and made in France.


eccity motocycles designs, builds and sells 100% electric scooters in the 50 and 125cc categories.

ZI de l’Argile 4, Lot 760, 460 avenue de la Quiera

06370 Mouans Sartoux


+33 (0)4 22 13 01 89

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